One such feature, as described by David Soucie, a safety analyst for CNN and a former inspector for the FAA, are breakaway wings. On most passenger airliners, fuel is stored in the wings.
In a statement on Monday, the FAA said that Boeing voluntarily flagged that it might not have properly performed quality inspections on the bonding between the wings and fuselage of some 787s.
“And that airplane, with the wings in the back of the fuselage ... confirmed that less than 400 of the 45,000 employees at the FAA have been fired since President Donald Trump took office.
Pilots fear they'll lose their wings if they disclose mental health treatment — and they say the FAA's stringent policies are to blame Moments before an off-duty pilot tried to pull two red fire ...
The level of regulatory oversight needs to change in light of the Germanwings plane flown into the French Alps Tuesday by a pilot who is now suspected of being suicidal, critics say.