In a groundbreaking development poised to ignite a new era of economic prosperity, Nevada’s once-abandoned Rhyolite Ridge is ...
a ghost town with just two remaining residents. “I’d definitely go to Ione,” she said. “That place is REALLY interesting.” Ione got its start in 1863 — a year before Nevada became ...
America's 'loneliest road' across Nevada's backcountry is not for the faint-hearted - and now travelers can also take a small detour to visit a real-life ghost town. Known as 'The Town That ...
Here's how Empire, Nevada, went from a company town to a ghost town - and back again - in the space of just 10 years. Owned by US Gypsum Corporation, Empire had more than 800 residents at its ...
“I wouldn’t trade it for nothing,” he said. And nor would we trade our experience way off the beaten path, in the Nevada ghost town with just two remaining residents.