The bill would only allow people to use shotguns to shoot down drones, if they think they are flying under 200 feet above ...
CNN's Pam Brown terminated a testy interview with Representative Tim Burchett on Tuesday after the Tennessee Republican accused the network of not investigating excess government spending while saying ...
Burchett has voted against continuing resolutions for his entire career and had told Knox News he "doesn't support" them.
Burchett said in a C-SPAN interview that he would "wholeheartedly support any rescinding of funds that have misappropriated," ...
Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) is being sued over a social ... a weapon and armed criminal action Two other juveniles detained on "gun-related and resisting arrest charges" Prosecutors said everyone ...
Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) on Monday compared Department ... those Japanese, those are Japanese rifle, that guess what? My dad was 20, 21 years old when he killed the people that carried that.
These are Japanese rifles, guess what my Dad was 20 ... "All right Congressman Tim Burchett we're going to leave it there. I do appreciate your time." Speaking to Newsweek Burchett commented ...