Deadline for application: 17-02-2025 at 14:00, Danish time ...
The EU Anti-Corruption Initiative Phase 3 aims to contract expert(s) to commission a study with an analysis of the operations of the selection commissions for positions of the heads of Ukrainian ...
Delegated cooperation can cover a broad range of working arrangements; “when one donor (a “lead donor”) acts with authority on behalf of one or more other donors (the “delegating” donors or “silent ...
Vær til enhver tid opmærksom på din personlige sikkerhed og hold dig opdateret om udviklingen via de lokale myndigheder, nyhedsmedierne og dit rejsebureau. Generel anbefaling Når du rejser til De ...
The world has become more uncertain and unpredictable after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. With the new Foreign and Security Policy Strategy, the government sets the course for how Denmark best ...
Read more about legalisation of documents here.
Tech for Democracy is a Danish-led initiative that brings together representatives from governments, multilateral organisations, tech industry and civil society to make technology work for democracy ...
Denmark and the EU aim for greater attention to the wishes and priorities of the African countries. Equal partnerships with African countries is a central focus of the new strategy.
Official visits and special events. State visits and matters related to the Royal Court, including the Royal Court’s travels abroad, the administration and representation of the Protocol. The Protocol ...
Local inhabitants building an access road between the villages of Ganhoua and Za Lyca in Benin as part of a Danida project. Roads are an importance mainspring of development. Photo: Jørgen Schytte ...
Increased global ambitions and actions are necessary to reach the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C objective. Denmark shall be a green frontrunner in global climate action that inspires and encourages the rest ...
Code of conduct for the social media channels of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this context, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs comprises the Ministry in Copenhagen as well as all Embassies, other ...