Secretary of State Marco Rubio embarks soon on his inaugural trip as the United States’ top diplomat. His first stop, Panama could prove to be the most contentious on the itinerary.
Panama’s president ahead of Rubio’s visit
When Marco Rubio arrives in Latin America this weekend on his first foreign trip as Donald Trump's secretary of state, he'll find a region reeling from the new administration's shock-and-awe approach to diplomacy.
Rubio said he could not predict if Trump would succeed in buying Greenland from Denmark or restoring American authority over the Panama Canal while he is in office.
Newly inaugurated U.S. President Donald Trump is pushing to "take back" the Panama Canal, the world's second busiest interoceanic waterway.
Whether it’s countering China, or pursuing a new U.S. expansionism, the president’s threats have already led to concrete action inside Panama, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.
Panama has owned and administered the Panama Canal for nearly three decades. President Trump wants to change that to counter growing Chinese influence in Latin America.
President Trump said of the Panama Canal, “We’re taking it back.” The letter from Panama cited articles of the U.N. charter that prohibit member states from using threats and force.
President Trump admires one of his long-forgotten predecessors. He has resurrected the memory of President William McKinley, whose term bridged the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. Trump evidently sees him as a kindred spirit. That is passing strange, since in most regards McKinley was the quintessential anti-Trump.
"Our job—where we can'is to provide Latin America with a choice," a U.K. government minister said on Thursday.
The Army helicopter and regional American Airlines jet that collided over Washington are both workhorse aircraft that operate around the world on a daily basis. There were 60 passengers and four crew members on the jet,