There’s something very revealing about the photos on people’s phone lock screens. Being nosy on crowded tubes, I’m always ...
In Norse mythology, the end of the world, Ragnarok, begins with a three-year winter with no intervening summers: the Fimbulvetr. Now, a new research study from the National Museum of Denmark, ...
The clothing of the figures in Le Franc’s text depicts them as coming from non-elite ranks of medieval society. So do the implements on which they fly. Staffs and brooms were tools for ordinary ...
"Many that die deserve life." Tom Bombadil butchers a beloved Tolkien quote in a jam-packed installment of The Rings of Power ...
In "Money and Promises," Paolo Zannoni, the historian, banker and executive deputy chairman of Prada, tells the tale of ...
An abacus is an ancient tool used for counting, consisting of a framed set with rods on which balls or beads are moved. The abacus has been in existence in China since the second century BCE, although ...
The technology of creating stained glass has been changed by improved tools and increased scientific knowledge, but the technique is essentially the same as in medieval times. A full size drawing of ...
Taking shape in the Middle Ages In the Middle Ages, these fearsome monsters were adopted from antiquity and adapted to fit the mindset of the time. In A.D. 313, the Edict of Milan established ...
During the Middle Ages, most dining tables were simply boards placed over trestles, a practice that survives in the expression “set the table.” The board was then covered with a cloth ...
In The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages, Geraldine Heng questions the common assumption that the concepts of race and racisms only began in the modern era. Examining Europe's encounters ...