美國當地有媒體記者在社交平台X上發文, 引述一位不具名美國高級官員透露, 總統特育普(Donald Trump)政府, 考慮停止向烏克蘭提供所有軍事援助. 在該則報道前, 特朗普與澤連斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)在白宮的會談, 演變為激烈爭吵, 最後兩人不歡而散. 澤連斯基提前離開白宮. 雙方原定計劃在會晤後召開聯合記者會, 並簽署美烏礦產協議. 目前聯合記者會被取消, 美烏雙方暫 ...
Tunisian security forces have dismantled a drug trafficking network operating in the northern suburbs of the capital Tunis, seizing 1,250 narcotic pills, the Tunisian National Guard said Friday. As pa ...
More than 5,000 local residents in Tanzania's Zanzibar benefited from the 34th Chinese medical team's free clinic week, which concluded on Friday. The free clinic, held at Kitogani Hospital in the Sou ...
油價周五下跌, 2月跌幅創去年9月以來最大單月跌幅, 因為美國總統特朗普(Donald Trump)升高關稅威脅, 導致投資者風險偏好降低, 並推升美元, 令能源需求前景蒙上陰影. 紐約市場西德州中級原油的4月期貨價格下跌0.8%, 收報每桶69.76美元; 倫敦市場北海布倫特原油的4月期貨價格下跌 1.2%, 收報每桶73.18美元.
Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with a North Korean senior official in Moscow on Thursday, North Korea's state news agency said on Saturday. Putin met in the Kremlin with Ri Hi-yong, a ...
Canada and Mexico on Friday sought to show U.S. President Donald Trump's administration evidence of progress in curbing the flow of fentanyl opioids into the U.S. ahead of a March 4 deadline for punis ...
The U.S. military will deploy an additional 1,140 troops to the United States' border with Mexico to help with logistics and support, the military said on Friday, the latest move by President Donald T ...
美國財政部長貝森特(Scott Bessent)將烏克蘭總統澤連斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)當地星期五(2月28日)對白宮的訪問, 描述為「不可接受」. 貝森特同日接受傳媒訪問時表示, 「與一個不想達成和平協議的領導人達成經濟協議, 是非常困難.」 貝森特發表該篇言論不久前, 特朗普(Donald Trump)與澤連斯基在白宮的會談, 演變為激烈爭吵, 最後兩人不歡而散. 澤連斯基 ...