The Long Island Regional Planning Council voted Wednesday to allocate $40,000 for improvements to the Long Island Zoning Atlas.
A long-anticipated project in Erie is nearing completion. A new greenhouse at the Savacchio Opportunity Park is closer to ...
Salisbury Township zoners approved a special exception for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania to convert a 17-acre property into a recreation area.
Palmer Township planners advanced a proposal for 170 total apartments across three buildings on a nearly 19-acre site on Van Buren Road.
The $34 million ErieNet project, which benefited from federal American Rescue Plan funding, should wrap in October. A publicly owned network, it will lay hundreds of miles of fiber-optic cable, ...
A popular event, which serves as a fundraiser for Lawrence County Developmental Disabilities, makes its return on March 22.
“There is no microhospital zoning,” he said ... Budgets for full hospital build-outs in Pennsylvania can easily run over $1B in some cases. The two existing LVHN microhospitals are ...
After heavy opposition, the Killeen Planning and Zoning Commission recommended disapproval of a rezoning item in south Killeen after complaints of flooding and traffic from local residents.
At least once a year, Erie County Department of Health officials inspect all restaurants and stores that sell unpackaged food. Here is a list of violations recorded Feb. 13 through Thursday.