中国数字时代(CDT)特别建立了这个无差别袭击案件受害者纪念墙,持续记录全国各地的无差别袭击案,并纪念和哀悼这些案件的受害者。本纪念墙分为两个部分,第一部分是记录事故发生地点的互动地图,点按地图上的圆点就可以查看到相应的时间;第二部分是不断更新中的无 ...
过去几天,随着美国对TikTok“不卖就禁”禁令生效期的临近,大量对于TikTok可能被关闭而感到不满的美国用户开始涌入另一款中国社交应用小红书。这波迁徙潮自然为小红书带来了泼天流量,据悉仅在两天内就有超70万用户新注册了小红书,他们在新发的帖子中普 ...
近日的上海两会上,20 位医生联名提交了一份「关于在药品集采背景下如何能够用到疗效好的药物」的提案。该提案执笔者,上海市政协常委、瑞金医院普外科主任郑民华在采访中反映了一个现实问题: ...
“山西和顺女硕士被‘收留’事件”自曝光以来,引发了社会广泛关注。根据和顺县公安局于12月3日发布的警情通报,该事件最初被描述为 卜女士被张某“收留” ,这种避重就轻的表述也进一步引发了公众对于案件性质及处理方式的普遍质疑。
Ermeiyaoxiaodao (@二枚腰小道): GFW (Great Firewall of China) has blocked all Google services, including Google Scholar, which is essential to research. If you think this is unacceptable, we ...
A self-deprecating description of individual investors who re-invest in the stock market after initial losses; also used to address youth disillusionment and endemic government corruption.
Young, nationalistic netizen who attacks the social media accounts of people perceived to have slighted China, typically as part of a large "expedition" across the Great Firewall to Facebook.
Coded support for the Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo.
Murong Xuecun is the pen name of writer and anti-censorship activist Hao Qun (郝群). Originally an internet novelist, he has become one of the most prominent China-based critics of Beijing's ...