When Donald Trump proposed to relocate over a million people from Gaza while it is rebuilt, many derided it as a combination ...
In 2018, the Trump administration signed into law the Taylor Force Act to prevent the U.S. government from sending funds to the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) as long ...
We would like to hear from you. If you have any information you would like us to have, please click on the IPT TipLine below. If you have a reaction or a response to any article you have seen on our ...
Steven Emerson is considered one of the leading authorities on Islamic extremist networks, financing and operations as well national security and intelligence. He is the Executive Director of The ...
[SDNY] Faisal Shahzad was charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting to kill or maim U.S. citizens, among other alleged offenses. Shahzad admitted he attempted to ...
[SDAL] A three-count indictment alleges that Omar Hammami provided material support, including himself as personnel, to terrorists; conspired to provide material support to a designated foreign ...
[SDCA] San Diego residents Basaaly Saeed Moalin, Mohamed Mohamed Mohamud (aka Mohamad Khadar), and Issa Doreh conspired to provide money to the al-Shabaab terrorist group, al-Shabaab, which was ...
[CDCA] In October 2006, American citizen Adam Yahiye Gadahn, suspected of appearing in Al Qaeda propaganda tapes as "Azzam the American," was indicted on charges of treason and providing material ...
[DMA] Richard Reid, the "Shoe Bomber", was sentenced to life imprisonment for attempting to blowup an airplane mid-flight by igniting explosives hidden in his shoes on December 22, 2001. Reid claims ...
[DID] In March 2004, Sami Omar Al Hussayen, a Saudi national and University of Idaho student, was charged with conspiracy to provide material support to Hamas and other violent jihadists through his ...