Obituaries will be printed in The Connersville News Examiner as they come from the funeral home. The Connersville News Examiner takes no responsibility for mistakes.
The Everton Volunteer Fire Department responded to 647 incidents within their coverage area in 2024, according to Chad Gronning, chief.
The Connersville Spartan varsity boys basketball team improved to 9-12 on the season and 4-2 in Eastern Indiana Athletic ...
Four Connersville High School engineering students visited Connersville Middle School during National Engineering Week. The ...
After slashing a popular reading program from the budget, Gov. Mike Braun said Friday he asked First Lady Maureen Braun to spearhead an initiative to keep Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library ...
During a time when the president of the United States is meeting with reporters every day, providing more transparency to government operations than Americans have seen before, some lawmakers at ...
The Indiana legislature is taking up the concept of legal notice advertisements again this year, with one proposed law putting all of them on a single state database.
The Fayette County Republican Women's Club: will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25, at Republican headquarters, 604 Central Ave. The special speaker will be Mayor Chad Frank.
From 10 a.m.-noon on Saturday, March 8, Fayette County residents can bring their dogs and cats to the Fayette County Animal Shelter, 1703 Michigan Ave. Veterinarian Dr. Duane Keaffaber and volunteers ...
Imagine Performing Arts is looking for six great short plays filled with hope and happiness. The short plays are scheduled to be presented Feb. 13-22, 2026.