2021 Trafficking in Persons Report: Morocco - U.S. Department …
As reported over the past five years, human traffickers exploit domestic and foreign victims in Morocco, and traffickers exploit Moroccan victims abroad. Documented and undocumented foreign migrants, especially women and children, are highly vulnerable to forced labor and sex trafficking in Morocco and as they transit through Morocco to reach ...
2023 Trafficking in Persons Report: Morocco - U.S. Department …
In 2022, the government investigated 120 new trafficking cases, leading to the arrest of 97 suspects, involving 56 sex trafficking and 64 labor trafficking cases (15 forced labor cases, 39 forced begging cases, two “slavery-like practices” cases, and eight forced criminality cases).
Human trafficking in Morocco - Wikipedia
In 2009 Morocco was a source, destination, and transit country for men, women, and children who are subjected to trafficking in persons, specifically forced labor and forced prostitution. Children were trafficked within the country from rural areas to urban centers to work as maids or laborers, or for commercial sexual exploitation.
Morocco reaffirms its commitment to combat and prevent human trafficking
On 30 July 2024, Morocco marked the 10th World Day Against Trafficking in Persons under the Blue Heart Campaign. This effort was a collaboration between the European Union delegation in Morocco, the Moroccan National Committee for the Coordination of Measures to Combat and Prevent Human Trafficking, the Ministry of Justice, and the Regional ...
Morocco - United States Department of State
Jan 20, 2025 · In February 2017, the Moroccan government cooperated with the Spanish government in the arrest of a 10-member human trafficking ring moving trafficking victims between Morocco and Spain. The government also reported cooperating with the governments of the Netherlands and Turkey on international trafficking cases during the reporting period.
Take five: Morocco’s Anti-Trafficking Law and its link to …
Dec 11, 2019 · Key provisions to prevent trafficking and protect women’s and girl’s rights include: detailing offenses, penalties and criminal sanctions for perpetrators; prioritizing identification of victims; providing public services for victims for protection, psychosocial care, medical assistance and free legal aid; and creating a national commission ...
Morocco - U.S. Department of State
Jan 20, 2009 · Morocco lacks an anti-trafficking law, which remained a serious obstacle to successfully prosecuting human trafficking crimes and contributed to confusion among officials in differentiating human smuggling, illegal migration, and human trafficking offenses.
Morocco: U.S. State Department Report Praises Morocco's …
Jul 9, 2024 · Rabat — Morocco's National Commission for the Coordination of Measures to Combat and Prevent trafficking in Persons (CNCLT) has taken note of the publication of the US State Department's annual...
Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor - Morocco
Morocco adopted a roadmap to eliminate child labor by 2030 as part of its commitment as a Pathfinder country under Alliance 8.7 and adopted the National Plan to Combat and Prevent Human Trafficking (2023–2030), along with the National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Human Trafficking.
Morocco: Awareness raising week on Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling ...
Morocco: On occasion of the European Union Anti-Human Trafficking Day, UNODC and the EU strengthen Cooperation to Dismantle Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking Criminal Networks.